Check These One Year After Your House’s Construction

A home is one of the most significant investments you will make. It is essential to protect your investment by having it inspected regularly. Many new home buyers schedule an inspection before their final walk-through with their builder.

However, it is also important to have your home inspected at least once a year, even if everything appears to be in good condition. Over time, even the best-built homes can settle and experience wear and tear. One year after its construction, inspecting your home is an excellent way to prevent minor problems from becoming bigger, more expensive ones.

Here are some things you should look for when inspecting your home one year after its construction:

Cracks in the Walls or Ceiling

It’s essential to regularly check the cracks in your walls or ceiling, especially in the year after your house’s construction. Cracks can appear for several reasons, including settlement, changes in temperature or humidity, and even just the natural aging of materials.

While some small cracks are not a cause of concern, larger cracks could indicate serious structural problems. Therefore, it’s crucial to observe cracks and consult with a professional if you have any concerns. With regular maintenance, you can help to ensure that your home remains healthy and safe for years to come.

Pest Infestations

Checking for pests should be part of your regular home maintenance routine, especially if your house is new. Pests can cause problems, from damaging your property to causing illnesses.

Unfortunately, they’re also good at hiding, so you may not realize you have a problem until it’s too late. That’s why it’s vital to schedule, say, a rodent control service every year. A professional will be able to identify any potential infestations and take steps to eliminate them. This will help keep your home clean and safe and save you money in the long run.

Water Damage

It’s essential to check for water damage one year after your house’s construction. This is because, over time, small leaks can turn into big problems. Water can cause wood to rot, mildew to form, and paint to peel. It can also lead to mold growth, a health hazard. If you suspect that there may be water damage in your home, it’s important to have a professional inspect the area.

They will be able to determine the extent of the damage and recommend the best course of action. In some cases, repair work may be covered by your homeowner’s insurance policy. However, it’s always a good idea to check with your insurer before starting any work. By taking action quickly, you can minimize damage and get your home back in top condition.

Gutters and Downspouts

One year after your house’s construction, it’s a good idea to check the gutters and downspouts. This is because they play an essential role in preventing water damage. Gutters collect rainwater and funnel it away from your home. Downspouts then carry the water even further away, helping to prevent flooding and soil erosion.

If your gutters or downspouts are not working correctly, water can build up and cause damage to your home. That’s why it’s important to ensure that they are clean and in good repair. You should also check the surrounding area to ensure that the ground is sloping away from your house. This will help ensure water drains properly and does not pool near your foundation.

Roof Damage

One year after your house’s construction, it’s also good to check the roof for damage. This is because the roof is one of the essential parts of your home. It protects you from the elements and helps to keep your home in good condition.

Roof damage is considered one of the most expensive types of home repairs. Therefore, it’s important to catch any problems early. You should inspect your roof regularly and have a professional repair any damage you find. By taking these steps, you can help to ensure that your roof lasts for many years.

Interior Damage

Finally, one year after your house’s construction, it’s a good idea to check for interior damage. This includes cracks in the walls or ceilings, peeling paint, and water stains.

Interior damage can be caused by many factors, including leaks, pests, and poor ventilation. Therefore, it’s crucial to inspect your home regularly and address any problems. By taking action quickly, you can minimize damage and keep your home in top condition.

Checking your home after a year of its construction is essential to make sure everything is still in good condition. By checking the elements we’ve outlined, you can ensure that any problems are caught and fixed as soon as possible. Protecting your investment should be one of your top priorities, so take the time to do these checks regularly and keep your home in great shape for years to come.